How to get user metadata with management API Go SDK

I need to get user metadata in a Go middleware function.

I followed the Go SDK quickstart and have the profile in the request context.

Here are the steps I’m taking. And where it’s going wrong.

Create a new management API instance:

auth0Api, err := management.New(
	management.WithClientCredentials(ctx, auth0ClientId, auth0ClientSecret),

Get the userID in the middleware:

id := profile["sub"]

Everything works up to now. This is how I’m trying to get the user metadata with the management API.

user, err := auth0Api.User.Read(
	id, // The id returned from profile["sub"]
	management.IncludeFields("user_metadata", "app_metadata"),

This request fails to send. It appears to be sending a get request to https://auth0domain/api/v2/users/userId and a post request to https://auth0domain/oauth/token in the stack trace.

I got most of what I’ve done with the documentation at GitHub - auth0/go-auth0: Go SDK for the Auth0 Management API. and reading the definitions in the library.

But I’m struggling to find any examples on how to make this request.

What am I doing wrong?

What’s the correct way to get the user metadata?