How can I customize the error messages in lockPasswordless.?
I have seen this: Customize Lock Error Messages but that doesn’t work for lockPasswordless.
I want to translate the error messages to other languages.

I use these versions:
auth0-lock: 11.5.2
auth0-lock-passwordless version: 2.2.3
@harald.andertun I believe Lock Passwordless does not support localization out of the box, so we would need to rebuild the dictionary (as defined here: lock-passwordless/dicts.js at df183e846e76b45ce874f87eb6721ca575da21f0 · auth0/lock-passwordless · GitHub) lines 20-33 represent the error messages. An override passed to the error
attribute could look something like :
dict: {
passwordless: {
"bad.tenant": "Lorem Ipsum",
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