How to change the MFA method?

Hello, I want to do something, I don’t know if it is possible. I want to allow our customers to update their mfa method from their profile page.

Where would I start if I wanted to implement such a feature? Thanks in advance for any help.

Hey there @jboulevart!

This is possible using either the Authentication API or the Management API:

Okay I have tried a lot of things, but I do not get how to get an mfa access token send it for using the Authentication API.

The users logged in the application using the Universal login, but once in the app, how do I a new token with the appropriate scopes?

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Sorry for the delayed response here, but wanted to loop back on this one.

You have 2 options:

  1. Configure silent auth to request an access token with the MFA API audience and enroll scope. Once they’ve completed MFA related actions you will want to perform silent auth once again in order continue normal operations with the originally requested API audience.
  2. In my opinion the easier option - Use the Management API to proxy requests through a backend. Similar (albeit different use case) to what is outlined here:

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