How to avoid the iOS Permission Alert?

Every time when I try to login by opening the Auth0 WebView, I was thrown with the below alert dialog,

I am not using any SingleSignOn, I am just configuring to load my login page, that’s it.

@konrad.sopala @jmangelo @Abhishek_Hingnikar1 any help will be really appreciated,

I have already looked into these links, no luck.

Thanks in advance.

Also ,

SFAuthenticationSession is deprecated.

I want a new SafariViewController to open and load the webPage,

right now the SDK is not allowing this.

I want to use this else part always.

As you likely already noted from the other answer and other online sources the popup is a decision by Apple and one that cannot be controlled when using either SFAuthenticationSession or ASWebAuthenticationSession. Using this approaches would allow the end-user to have a SSO experience between the mobile application and a corresponding web application.

However, if such experience is not required it may be possible to use the following option exposed in the SDK (Auth0.swift/WebAuth.swift at 0665d5004d8d28f2c3a6752f296da1c5cdd95ab9 · auth0/Auth0.swift · GitHub). Per the comments this would mean that in iOS 11+ you would use SFSafariViewController which would lack SSO capabilities, but at the same time not show that dialog.

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@jmangelo: Thanks for the info, the answer helps, I added . useLegacyAuthentication ()

But, the SDK should have provision for the clients in two ways:

  1. Integration with SSO (that means with Permission alert popup)
  2. Basic integration without SSO (without Permission alert popup)

Right now the basic integration given in the Quick Start always integrates the SDK with SSO, which is wrong.

So, right now there is no direct for this, from my point of view, it’s looking like a bug or lack of compatibility in SDK, could you please fix this asap.

@konrad.sopala @jmangelo @Abhishek_Hingnikar

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If I’m understanding the situation correctly you would prefer for the approach without SSO to also be shown/mentioned in the quickstarts. I confess that my knowledge on iOS is insufficient to say if this was an intentional decision or not; in other words the quickstarts are just that a quick way to get started and constrained in the amount of scenarios they cover.

My suggestion in this situation would for feedback about this situation to be provided directly through Auth0: Secure access for everyone. But not just anyone. as that approach ensure direct review by the product team and at the same time automatically associated the feedback to you.

If you can spare the time to leave that feedback directly that would be highly appreciated; if not, let me know here and I can relay my understanding of the situation in your behalf.