How to Automatically Turn On and Off the MFA in the Tenant


This article details how to toggle MFA enforcement across a tenant via automation.

Applies To

  • Multifactor Authentication (MFA)


This can be achieved via Management API but the exact manner that you achieve this will depend on how you are planning to trigger MFA.

  1. Via a tenant-wide policy

    If MFA is enforced via a policy at Security > Multi-factor Auth page in the dashboard, this policy can be toggled using the PUT /api/v2/guardian/policies endpoint as described here.

    If it is desired to choose Never as the policy, simply pass in an empty array.

  2. Via a Post-Login Action

    If MFA is enforced conditionally via a Post-Login Action, update and deploy the Action programmatically. Use the following two endpoints for this:

This can also be achieved via tools like Auth0 Deploy CLI and Auth0 Terraform Provider by updating the respective entities.