I am using OAuth2 Proxy to get the authorization header with the ID token and user information. However, I can’t seem to find the custom role I assigned to the user. My ID Token looks like this…
given_name: '...',
family_name: '...',
nickname: '...',
name: '...',
picture: ...',
locale: 'en',
updated_at: '2022-03-04T16:27:13.490Z',
email: '...',
email_verified: true,
iss: '...',
sub: '...',
aud: '...',
iat: 1646679803,
exp: 1646715803
{ alg: 'RS256', typ: 'JWT', kid: 'U1nTyZvTxgDY6f0FoV45X' }
How do I have it pass the roles?