How do i get credentials for accessing management api in Auth0?

Thanks for your kind reply @avinash.singh1 but i am still confused.

  1. I have to authenticate which i have done using nextjs (UI). I am currently doing it and using @auth0/nextjs-auth0 library and i am also geting an access token to call my resource server.
  2. I have considered spring boot project as an api for nextjs project, and i have made it a resource server. This reads the access token provided by my UI (nextjs). I am getting the accesstoken using resource owner password flow and i have send token to my api in the Authorization header.
  3. I am now planning to access auth0 api management for user/roles management (separate app using Auth0 api register) from spring boot, may be i can use machine to machine authentication for it.
    Please correct me if i am still wrong.
    And also, i have another question related to access control to api management How do i control the access to api management in Auth0 according to user previleges?.

Your reply means a lot. Thank you very much.