How do I get all clients with specific client ids

I am using the auth0 node package in my application. The clients.getAll has a client_ids field according to this documentation here - [Node Auth0](

However, this doesn’t work. All the clients are returned instead.

The documentation on this page doesn’t mention the client_ids field - [Auth0 Documentation](

I am confused. How should I go about this

Hi @ryndm ,

You can get client y client ID using Get Client By Id call. You can refer this documentation.

Yes, I know about the get client by id API. I have a list of client ids and need to fetch multple clients at once not just one.

Hi @ryndm ,

Thank you for clarification.

Question: Do you know what all clients you need to select from clients list?

If yes, you can filter from the fetched clients based on client ID/name and create a new list of filtered clients

Ofc I know what clients I need. I have a list of client ids. I want to query this list

Yes I can filter the list. But this is something basic and I was hoping that this would be possible using Auth0’s APIs instead.

Check this interface definition here -

This clearly states that the feature is available. Not sure why this isn’t working.

Auth0 support has confirmed that there is no such functionality as of today.

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Hi @ryndm!

Sorry for not getting back to you in time, and thank you for sharing the information with the rest of the community!
