How can i update email_verification, phone_verification, mfa verification on my application

Hello, I’m using the React app.

How can I handle it from my application when the end user has the option to enable or disable “one-time password using Google Authenticator”?

Hi @dev.nareshch,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

You can delete or enroll MFA factors like OTP with the Auth0 MFA API.

Specifically, you can call the following endpoints to enable/disable OTP for the user. Please note that you may need to read the user’s current MFA enrollment to determine its enrollment status:

I hope this helps!


When i enable MFA in my application settings it’s showing error

“Error!Application must not have Token Endpoint Authentication Method set to “none” when client_credentials grant type is enabled”

How can i update status in my custom DB?

using those api’s?

Here Id means’s?

Userid or any other?

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Hi @dev.nareshch,

Thank you for your response and my apologies for the late reply.

Yes, in this situation you must change the Token Endpoint Authentication Method to Post

Could you please clarify what you are intending to do here?

The id parameter here refers to the Authenticator ID for the enrollment. It would have a format that would look like "sms|dev_0000000000000001. You can find the Authenticator ID in your tenant logs for the Enroll Started event type defined by the gd_start_enroll log event type code.

I hope this helps!
