How can I get my custom scopes in the access token?

Hi Community,

I tried to have some custom scopes in my access token. For this, i have:

  1. For my Auth0 API, I turned on the Enable RBAC feature.
  2. Then Added my custom scope to my API (say: view:balance)
  3. On my SPA app, I make sure ask for my custom scope when i call authorize (using angular auth0 SDK).

I can see in browser console requesting all scopes I need, however my custom scopes are not included in my access token.

Maybe I am missing a step somewhere?

Thank you!

Hi @maxime.fleury,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Custom claims can be added to an Access/ID Token in a namespace format by utilizing a Post Login Action. For example:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {

 const namespace = '';
 const { favorite_color, preferred_contact } = event.user.user_metadata;

 if (event.authorization) {
  // Set claims in ID token
  api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/favorite_color`, favorite_color);
  api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/preferred_contact`, preferred_contact);

  // Set claims in access token
  api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/favorite_color`, favorite_color);
  api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/preferred_contact`, preferred_contact);

Also please check these articles:

Related FAQs:


I think I understand, correct me if I am wrong.

Every time I add a new scope for my API, I would need:

  • to assign it to my users first
  • then the user log in to my app
  • the app prompts the consent popup from auth0
  • User accepts/grants application to use the new scope
  • then auth0 add the scope to the access_token.

I found one way to assign a new api scope to an user, by going to:

  • User management → users
  • Select an user
  • Permission
  • Click assign permission
  • Select permissions from existing APIs
  • Select permissions (which are scopes) available
  • Click add permissions

this method is very manual!

Is yours would achieve the same thing automatically?

thanks for your help