Hello all,
I am attempting to spin up a SAML IdP-Initiated (custom .NET Framework solution) to use Auth0 as SP via SSO front-channel (HTML form post redirecting user to Auth0 with SAML responses encoded as Base64.)
I’m learning Auth0 as I go. I am dealing with a problem that I am struggling to overcome and require some assistance here.
When IdP redirect user to Auth0 with SAML response, I see a Auth0 page with a message “Looks like something went wrong!”
I looked at the logs, and found the error:
“Signature check errors: invalid signature: for uri #_249d8171fd374cbfa7f6d453a43829f7 calculated digest is wz/OVaDpT8FuZFKUZsiPxcvMQgIG/67d5nbB/w18QF0= but the xml to validate supplies digest XHzdCEfWj3yZ9N7xiG2a71XH80sz0kCqFCU9TplaK1”
I do not understand where the invalid signature is coming from. Could someone explain the error I’m getting? Is this because IdP (custom solution) and Auth0 are both not using same keys? I am using self-signed certification as I’m testing this locally. Could that be a problem?