Have email in claims

I am using auth0 of my mvc application, and I want to retrieve the email but I find it in claims and its value during execution is null.
here is my code

public async Task Callback()
var result = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync();
if (result?.Principal != null)
// Extraire l’email depuis les claims si disponible
var email = result.Principal.FindFirst(“email”)?.Value;
var sub = result.Principal.FindFirst(“Name”)?.Value;

    if (email != null)
        ViewBag.Email = email; // Optionnel : stockez l'email pour l'utiliser dans la vue
        ViewBag.Message = "Connexion réussie avec email !";
        ViewBag.Message = "Connexion réussie, mais l'email est introuvable.";

    return View("Success");

ViewBag.Message = "Erreur d'authentification.";
return View("Error");


I can recover name and nickname but not email

Thank you for your help

Hi @monagi.jalil,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

To have the email in your token claims, please append them as a custom claim.

Please follow the instructions in our Adding custom claims to tokens knowledge article.

Here is another documentation for your reference: Create Custom Claims


Thank you Rueben first for the response.

in action\library I created an action from scratch and I deployed here is my code:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
// Vérifiez si l’utilisateur a un email
if (event.user.email) {
// Ajoutez un claim personnalisé avec l’email dans le token
api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(‘https://localhost:7296//email’, event.user.email);

Are there any steps left to take to attach it to my application?

thank you once again

i tried also this code in the trigger :

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {

const namespace = ‘https://localhost:7296/’;
const { email } = event.user.user_metadata;

if (event.authorization) {

// Set claims in ID token

api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/email`, email);

// Set claims in access token

api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/email`, email);



Hi @monagi.jalil,

Thanks for the update!

Your action script looks good. You need to make sure to attach the action script to the post-login flow and apply those changes.


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