handleRedirectCallback not working as expected in Next/Capacitor/Android scenario

Please include the following information in your post:

  • Which SDK this is regarding: auth0-react
  • SDK Version: 1.6.0
  • Platform Version: Next v11/React v17
  • Code Snippets/Error Messages/Supporting Details/Screenshots: Working on this branch: GitHub - mledwards/nextjs-and-capacitor-isomorphic-example at update/capacitor-android

Is this a feature request or bug report?


I followed this React and Capacitor tutorial and other docs pretty closely and have a mostly functioning example.

In my Android/Capacitor application, I’m able to trigger a browser to open to the correct Auth0 URI, login and correctly re-open the application. That’s where my successfulness is falling over sadly.

I can see the URL with the code passed into the application but the handleRedirectCallback doesn’t seem to be updating anything in the Auth provider. user is null, isAuthenticated is false and I’m a very sad man!

I can’t see anything wrong based on the documentation. Any thoughts on what I’ve missed?


  • Is this a feature request or bug report?
    I don’t know if it’s a bug or a user error. Happy to post to github if that’s the voice of the community.

I have an Ionic 5/Angular 9 app that I have been having a heck of a time getting working with Auth0. I’ve tried every solution I can, including the Ionic 4 QuickStart approach which does not seem to work properly with the latest versions of Cordova and Ionic, as well as most of the other OAuth options.