I am looking at the example for JWT middleware in Go.
In my API backend as-is, I use the Echo framework (specifically, based off this example). This is no big issue itself, as Echo has a very useful echo.WrapMiddleware()
function for turning regular bare HTTP handler middlewares into Echo ones. I literally just add the following in jwt.go
func EchoEnsureValidToken() (echo.MiddlewareFunc, error) {
mw := echo.WrapMiddleware(EnsureValidToken())
return mw, nil
and then use it in my app as per normal. However, I’m running into an issue with my handler functions.
package main
import (
database "tlmgateway/db"
_ "tlmgateway/docs"
var GO_ENV = os.Getenv("GO_ENV")
// @title Go clean echo API v1
// @version 1.0
// @description This is a sample server.
// @termsOfService http://swagger.io/terms/
// @host localhost:3000
// @BasePath /
// @schemes http
func main() {
err := logger.New()
if err != nil {
db, err := database.New(GO_ENV == "development")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to connect to the database", zap.Error(err))
e := handlers.Echo()
s := stores.New(db)
ss := services.New(s)
h := handlers.New(ss)
jwtCheck, err := middlewares.EchoEnsureValidToken()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to set JWT middleware", zap.Error(err))
handlers.SetApi(e, h, jwtCheck)
PORT := os.Getenv("PORT")
if PORT == "" {
PORT = "3001"
logger.Fatal("failed to start server", zap.Error(e.Start(":"+PORT)))
But in Echo, the routing and handlers are done a bit differently:
package handlers
import (
echoSwagger "github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger"
type Handlers struct {
func New(s *services.Services) *Handlers {
return &Handlers{
RecordHandler: &recordHandler{s.Record},
func SetDefault(e *echo.Echo) {
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "OK")
e.GET("/healthcheck", HealthCheckHandler)
e.GET("/swagger/*", echoSwagger.WrapHandler)
func SetApi(e *echo.Echo, h *Handlers, m echo.MiddlewareFunc) {
g := e.Group("/api/v1")
// Organizations
g.GET("/record", h.RecordHandler.GetRecords)
func Echo() *echo.Echo {
e := echo.New()
AllowOrigins: []string{"*"},
Skipper: func(c echo.Context) bool {
return strings.Contains(c.Request().URL.Path, "swagger")
return e
My issue is, these handlers simply take the Context and go from there. They’re defined like this:
GetRecords(c echo.Context) error
The question then is, how do I add something like ValidatedClaims and CustomClaims from the middleware function in the example to the context so that it can be used where I need to use it? The above code is more for illustration purposes, since the only implementation issue I’m having is “add validation results to context”.