getUser returns all users instead of the specified user_id


I’m trying to lookup a single user given a user’s id or email. However, when calling getUser and specifying a user_id using the ManagementClient, the response appears to be every user instead of the single user I’m trying to lookup.

Here’s what I’m attempting:

var auth0 = new ManagementClient({

auth0.getUser({ user_id: "{USER ID}" }, (err, res) => {
        if (err) {

I’ve tried passing an email address for user_id and then user_id from the user info on the dashboard without the "email|" prefix. Both returns every user.

I’ve been reading as much of the docs as my eyes can take from here:


  2. Auth0 Management API v2

Am I missing something completely obvious? Thanks for any help!

Turns out it was quite obvious.

I was using the wrong key in the object passed to getUser.

It should have read:

auth0.getUser({ id: "{USER ID}" }, (err, res) => {
        if (err) {

NOT user_id

Glad you figured it out eventually!

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