Feature: API, ManagementClient, and actually ideally - actions too.
Description: Concerns heavy users of Organizations.
Depending on the use-case RBAC on organizations might require visibility on all of the User’s Organizations/Roles, to determine what to do on the application-level with that User.
Currently only way to do so (as we start with particular User) is to
- Query user’s organizations
- Get their roles per each organization
Ideal way would be to us something lie this new ‘field’ option, where one could define that he needs Organizations of User + Roles
- Frontend flags, based on presence of “SPECIFIC_ROLE” in ANY organization
- Backend pre-evaluation of org scans necessity, based on User’s roles in ANY organization
- List of Orgs with specific Role, fetched in single run (not multiple)
- Actions stuff, reacting on User’s roles in organizations (any) (f.e. putting them into token)
… much more.