It seems clients created by Management API throw “Failed Exchange: Unauthorized” until the client has updated by Auth0 Dashboard. No data update is required for that. Clicking “SAVE CHANGES” just work.
What I mean is
- Create a client through Management API
- Create a connection through Management API
- Create a user on the connection above through Management API
- I cannot use the user above by “Failed Exchange: Unauthorized”
- Open the client above in Auth0 Dashboard and click “SAVE CHANGES” without changing anything
- Now I can use the user above
I think this issue is the same one as Failed Exchange - type: 'feacft' · Issue #62 · auth0/react-native-auth0 · GitHub
While we use client/connection to keep multi-tenancy, is there any way to avoid this issue without touching Auth0 Dashboard manually? I’ve tried a lot of types of updates through Management API but none worked. Only touching the client through Auth0 Dashboard manually worked.