Explain Successful exchange of authorization code for Access Token

I’m trying to build out metrics and stats and I’m using auth0 log stream to do it. Each log is tagged with a type. Most are self-explanitory, but I’m trying to figure out what Successful exchange of authorization code for Access Token means.

hi @rhuber

Take a look at the following Authorization Code flows that are integrated with Auth0
Authorization Code Flow
Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

When a user authenticates using one of the methods above, an authorization code is returned from Auth0. This code is then exchanged using the /oauth/token endpoint to verify the code, and creates or refreshes Auth0 sessions + return tokens.

If Auth0 is able to exchange the code successfully via the /oauth/token endpoint, this results in a Successful exchange of Authorization Code for Access Token event.


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