Execute javascript in Lock after custom validation error

I’m trying to control the behaviour of Universal Login page in the reaction to errors encounter during the user migration.

In the database script, I send a validation error when I cannot migrate the user.

function login(email, password, callback) {
    // [...]
   return callback(new ValidationError('custom_validation_error_code', 'message'));

I would like to inform the user about the specific issue with this migration of this account when login and password are valid.
I can do that by showing the right message but I would like also to do a few additional operations in JS.

var lock = new Auth0Lock([...]);

lock.on("authorization_error", function(error) {
  /// [...] code to control behaviour of the page

// below code will not work beacuse it doesn't recognise `custom_validation_error_code` as an event.
lock.on("custom_validation_error_code", function(error){
  /// [...] code to control behaviour of the page

Unfortunately, Lock doesn’t provide the possibility to react to such a event. Is there any possibility react in javascript on a custom validation error?

Hey there @robert.firek, when it comes to Lock we do have the ability to customize Lock error messages as described in the below doc. However I could be totally missing the base here and you have a different question all together. Please let me know if this helps you in your quest at all. Thanks!

I can customise messages but I don’t have the ability to execute javascript in the reaction to this event:

// below code will not work because it doesn't recognise `custom_validation_error_code` as an event.
lock.on("custom_validation_error_code", function(error){
    /// [...] code to control behaviour of the page

Is it possible to implement the above behaviour?

I checked with one of our senior support engineers and I was able to confirm that it’s not possible with Lock. However this should be possible when working with the hosted login page with Auth0.js a full custom implementation. Sadly we don’t have any examples of this implementation use case. I hope this helps provide some insight @robert.firek, thanks!

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