Error “The InResponseTo attribute does not match the id in the AuthNRequest” with custom domain

Problem statement

SAML login attempts return the error below in a har file/network trace even though the InResponseTo attribute does match.

The InResponseTo attribute does not match the id in the AuthNRequest


This will either result in a failed login - or depending on the SAML IdP can result in confusing behavior. An Okta SAML IdP connection was seen defaulting to IdP-initiated login due to this, which was undesired behavior.

Obtain a network HAR file of a login attempt and look for this error:


For further information, refer to Generate and Analyse HAR Files.


Confirm the following:

  • The tenant has a custom domain configured
  • The error “The InResponseTo attribute does not match the id in the AuthNRequest” is returned from the Auth0 tenant when the SAML response is POSTed to /login/callback
  • The InResponseTo value from the SAML response matches the ID of the most recent SAML request from Auth0
  • The browser is not blocking cookies (generally, blocking third party cookies is not a problem)


This error occurs when the InResponseTo attribute in the SAML response is not recognized by the Auth0 tenant. This error could be caused by:

  • blocked cookies
  • mismatched IDs from the most recent SAML request
  • inconsistent use of domains

If the tenant uses a custom domain, there could be a mismatch if the login flow begins on the custom domain and finishes on the canonical domain. For further information, refer to Error: InResponseTo attribute does not match the ID in AuthNRequest


To fix this problem, use the same domain throughout the login flow. Change either the domain in the initial /authorize request or the ACS URL with the identity provider so they are the same.

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