Error on handleRedirectCallback

After i login with loginWithRedirect function from auth0-spa, i get an error on handleRedirectCallback function;

core.js:3926 ERROR Error: There are no query params available at
at e. (auth0-spa-js.production.js:1)
at auth0-spa-js.production.js:1
at (auth0-spa-js.production.js:1)
at auth0-spa-js.production.js:1
at new ZoneAwarePromise (zone.js:931)
at n (auth0-spa-js.production.js:1)
at e.handleRedirectCallback (auth0-spa-js.production.js:1)
at MergeMapSubscriber.project (auth.service.ts:41)
at MergeMapSubscriber.push…/node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (mergeMap.js:61)
at MergeMapSubscriber.push…/node_modules/rxjs/_esm5/internal/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._next (mergeMap.js:51)

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i also received this error:

I’m running into this as well, seems to be isolated to hash routing.
Auth0 strips anything after the hash. I.e.: http://localhost:3000/#/callbackhttp://localhost:3000/

It then internally gets redirected to http://localhost:3000/#/callback, but now the ?code query parameter is no longer in the url.

Me too. Has anyone found a solution?

Running into this issue now. Was there ever a solution to this?

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same issue here. Any updates on this?

Check this out . . . could be your problem

initialNavigation: false //angular-oauth2-oidc