Error handling with auth0-react

I have Auth0 working effectively in my React app. Now, I am trying to track down edge cases to recover/respond when users hit errors. I see that useAuth0 returns an error. But I don’t see a list of the potential errors it can return or recommendations for how to respond to the different errors.

Is a list of the possible errors. And is there guidance for handling errors returned from useAuth0?

Here is what I have:

import {useAuth0} from "@auth0/auth0-react";

export const onAuthError = async (error: Error, isAuthenticated: boolean, logout: (options?: LogoutOptions) => Promise<void>) => {
    errorService.notify(error); //This is my error tracking. (We use Bugsnag)
    //log error to my error service
    if (isAuthenticated) {
        await logout();
    if (window.location.pathname !== "/login") {
        window.location.href = "/login";

const MyApp = () => {
    const {isAuthenticated, getAccessTokenSilently, user, isLoading, error, logout} = useAuth0();
    useEffect(() => {
        if (error) {
            onAuthError(error, isAuthenticated, logout);
    }, [error]);

Same question is on StackOverflow: reactjs - How to recover from Auth0 Errors - Stack Overflow

Hello @steven.m.wexler,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community,

A list of possible errors can be found under this documentation.
You can also check the Common Auth0 Library Authentication Errors and the Log Event Type Codes might come in handy as well.

Thank you for your post and I hope this helped.

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