Error during callback handling: d: Invalid state

Hi Team, after login from Auth0 i am redirecting back to /callback component where private handleCallback(): void {
.handleRedirectCallback() // Handle Auth0 callback
switchMap(() => this.auth.user$), // Fetch user profile
tap((profile) => this.handleUserProfile(profile)), // Process user profile
switchMap(() => this.loadConfig()), // Load configuration
tap(() => this.login()), // Proceed to login
catchError((err) => {
console.error(‘Error during callback handling:’, err);
this.setLoginError(‘An error occurred during login.’);
return of(null); // Graceful continuation

Hi @bbonam,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Can you kindy review this Knowledge Article we have on this error: Invalid State Errors on handleRedirectCallback - Auth0 React SDK

Additoinally, could you provide a screenshot or paste the exact error message received? Do you see any failing logs in the tenant? Are you using classic login?


Mary Beth

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