Dynamically disable MFA when using Passkeys

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Hi all,

we’re using passkeys and SMS based MFA.

For some users (test users etc.) we need to be able to dynamically disable MFA.

We use and action and evaluate a property called mfa_enabled in the user’s app_metadata:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const mfaEnabled = event.user.app_metadata?.mfa_enabled;

  if (mfaEnabled === false) {

This approach works fine for us in other projects.

Now, combining it with passkeys we’re running into an issue: The MFA is skipped as expected but when creating a passkey, the MFA enrollment process is triggered on the first time.

If the user is not creating a passkey and going through the login again for the second time the MFA enrollment process is not started.

We’d expect that api.multifactor.enable("none"); would completely disable MFA (challenge plus enrollment).

Can you help? Thanks!

Hi @alex.fechner,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Firstly, have you made sure you have disabled MFA in your tenant settings under Dashboard > Security > Multi-factor Auth?

If not, this setting will ensure that MFA is disabled, and only your post-login action script can be used to trigger MFA, which will override that setting.

As for your post-login script, I recommend referring to this example which shows you to skip MFA for a user than has authenticated with a passkey.


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