Dynamic client registration with custom SSO

Hi team!

I’m currently working on integrating my OIDC service as custom social connection in Auth0. I was wondering if Dynamic client registration from Auth0 towards my service would be possible.

Basically I’d like to avoid creating any onboarding UI in my service and let integrators use Auth0 admin panel to provide necessary Terms and conditions URLs, choose scopes and then have Auth0 call my service to create a client and get credentials back.

Thank you for creating your post, @chrisapril !

Auth0 facilities the Application Registration endpoint: https://{yourDomain}/oidc/register that you can HTTP POST to.

One thing to note is that Auth0 supports Open Dynamic Registration, which means the endpoint will accept a registration request without an access token.

If you would like to give it a shot, this is where you would start:

Our documentation - Dynamic Application Registration

If you would like to look around our Community for other posts/topics that has been created on that, I encourage you to use our Advanced Search with the following query:

dynamic client registration #help status:closed in:title

Please let me know if that helps or if you would like to discuss it more!
PS: A Client Credential Flow allows using our Management API (to create client apps) by the authorized “machine to machine” apps.

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