Django: Redirect to Auth0 sign up tab instead of login

I’m not familiar with Django but just tried @Carlos_Mostek 's suggestion here and it works

Here is what you need to do

  1. Add a namespace’d param to your /authorize call (the url that register route will redirect to) to indicate the login page initialScreen configuration option for auth0 Lock used in Universal Login page. for example /authorize?...all_other_params_&mycompany_login_mode=signup
  2. Go to Universal Login section of Auth0 Dashboard and turn on Customize Login Page toggle
  3. Retrieve the namespace’d param be fore you create instance of Auth0Lock var loginMode = config.extraParams.mycompany_login_mode;
  4. set appropriate initialScreen option based on the namespaced param value like initialScreen: loginMode && loginMode === 'signup' ? 'signUp' : undefined,

Hope that helps.