Hi, I have customized the MFA page in Auth0 along with a redirection link for the login page. So, is there any way to disable the login page link while the OTP/Code is being processed and redirected automatically (on success) into the application by Auth0?

I believe the MFA container highlighted is managed by Auth0, so there can be some parameter that we can use to disable the link during the OTP processing.

Hi @gagan.yadav
Thanks for getting in touch with us at community.
The link that you’ve added to the MFA page will be independent of the MFA widget that renders the MFA outputs e.g. one time code screen and success re-direction. As a result there isn’t a parameter that you can pass in that will remove the link you added in the customisation. If you need more control over this process I suggest taking a look at auth0-guardian.js https://auth0.com/docs/secure/multi-factor-authentication/customize-mfa/mfa-classic-experience#:~:text=level%20of%20customization-,you%20could%20use,-auth0%2Dguardian.js
Hopefully you’ll be able to achieve what you need this way.