Difference between Refresh Token Reuse Interval and Token Generated in Future Leeway


This article addresses the following questions:

  • What is the difference between the Refresh Token Reuse Interval and Token Generated in Future Leeway?
  • What are the maximum values for these features?


  1. Refresh Token Reuse Interval: This is when a refresh token can be reused to request new access tokens. The maximum value for this is 2592000 seconds (30 days).
  2. Token Generated in Future Leeway: This refers to the acceptable time difference allowed for tokens issued in the future due to clock skew between servers. The leeway for tokens generated in the future is typically much smaller, and there is a limit of maximum leeway of 60 seconds.

Therefore, the reuse interval and the leeway are not the same, and they serve different purposes in the token’s lifecycle management.