Deny reason message is not displayed for Login/Post-Login flow

I have implemented a cusom Action, that will deny the login to a particular application if user does not have a particular role assigned. The rule itslef works, except the custom message is not printed to the user. The screen just make a refresh to enter username and password again.
Here is my code. What am I missing?

Hi @artembondar

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

I’ve checked the similiar topics and Docs and this particular answears your question Auth0 Action api.access.deny is not displaying the provided error message to the user - #5 by tyf

It is not possible to show a similar custom error message via a post login action - Instead the reason provided in api.access.deny(reason) is included as a query param at the url the user is redirected back to.

If you want to provide any feedback regarding that please do open a topic in our feedback category here:


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Thank you @dawid.matuszczyk for finding this!

So it looks like this just does not work indeed :frowning: Maybe just a missing functionlity, since the message is included in the query param user is redirected back to.

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