customizing submission button text colors and background widget colors in Lock 10

  1. Is it possible to specify a
    foregroundColor (or text color) for
    the primary “log in/sign up” using
    the Lock 10 API? If so, how?

    One would think that if you can
    specify the text color of the social
    media links (by leveraging
    property), you should also be able
    to specify the text color of the
    main log in/sign up button.

  2. Similarly, is it possibly to specify/customize the background
    color of the main page/widget itself
    when the popup appears using the
    Lock 10 API?

    I looked at
    but the built-in styling options
    appear very limited. Moreover, the docs
    strongly discourage trying to use
    traditional CSS properties to customize the styling.

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Lock has limited customization options. If you need to use traditional CSS properties to customize of the login/sign up page, perhaps you’ll need to use a Custom UI. If you already check the customization options of Lock and still don’t find the style that you need, I recomend that you evaluate the use of auth0.js library (Check this comparizon table for this: Centralized Universal Login vs. Embedded Login)