Custom Universal Login Themes for Applications on the One Tenant

Problem statement

There is a need to have customizable themes/designs on the Universal login page for each active application. This article clarifies whether there are options for the no-code editor for different themes between applications or if this is only in the advanced options.


The no-code editor applies one theme across all Apps under the tenant. This is for configuring New Universal Pages. Regarding switching themes between Apps, the best option would be to use the advanced option, the Classic Universal Login, which offers more customizations and is suitable for different use cases.

For branding between Apps, use Organizations.

To create customized themes for different Apps, conditionally determine which Lock configuration to render for which application (clientID). To achieve this flow, create separate lock configurations within the Custom Universal Login Page. Based on the clientID unique for each application, hardcode, and conditionally determine which Lock configuration to render for which application. Inside the Lock page, modify and conditionally select different colors for different applications and modify the UI based on the needs.

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