Custom text - accessibilityError and accessibilityValid


Our organisation is reviewing and customising the text on the prompt screens that we are currently using.

Our translation services have queried the purpose of two fields in the signup-password prompt screen:

  • accessibilityError
  • accessibilityValid

There’s no visibility as to the purpose of these in the example shown and no additional help information to where these fields are used.

Does anyone know where they are shown and the purpose of these fields?


Hi @Peter.Wright,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I have reached out internally to get additional information about the accessibilityError and accessibilityValid fields. I will get back to you as soon as I hear back!


Mary Beth

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Hi @Peter.Wright,

I have heard back from the team about this! Those two fields are read-only by screen readers. These are the texts that the screen reader reads when the password is invalid/valid.

Let me know if you have any additional questions!


Mary Beth

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