Custom Login / Signup + Buttons with options to login/signup with google / facebook / etcs?

You have a couple of options here:

  • You can import your users (including password hashes).
    • This option requires some initial migrating development time, but after it is completed there is very little you will have to manage, and you can always export later if needed.


  • You can point auth0 to your existing database.
    • This requires a paid subscription, and you will have to maintain your database infrastructure and integration, but you wont need to migrate your users and hashes.

This will depend on whether you import your users (yes, we support SHA256) or integrate with a custom database. Here are resources for the two different options.


You can set up account linking. So a verified email from either social provider will be linked.

You can force email verification in a rule. Essentially they can login, then you can deny access to your app until they are verified. This is a common flow.