Creating M2M token not returning scope

I’m following this help article:

It says the response should be something like:

  "access_token": "eyJ...Ggg",
  "expires_in": 86400,
  "scope": "read:clients create:clients read:client_keys",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

However, I’m getting: (no value for scope)

  "access_token": "eyJ...Ggg",
  "expires_in": 86400,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

And when I go to use the token, it doesn’t work. Do I need to specify scope in the request?

The problem was I was using the wrong machine to machine (M2M) client ID and client secret.

I was using the one from the Applications > Test Application when I should have been using the one from Applications > API explorer.

Thanks for sharing that with the rest of community!