I am trying to integrate auth0 with my simple JS web app (just webpack, html, typescript, tailwind css - no SPA frameworks) using the JS SDK.
I’m following the quick start guide but I’m getting the following error when calling createAuth0Client:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
I’m also seeing “FailedSilent Auth” in the Auth0 dashboard logs. I need http://localhost:8080 apparently in the callback URL but the page I’m trying to secure isn’t index.html.
Can I have a callback URL with a path or is only a scheme and authority allowed?
Allowed Callback URLs: Make sure to specify the protocol (https://); otherwise, the callback may fail in some cases. With the exception of custom URI schemes for native clients, all callbacks should use protocol https://.
Regarding the error with the quickstart, can you confirm that you are following this quickstart: Auth0 JavaScript SDK Quickstarts: Login? Is your application in the Auth0 tenant set to a Single Page App or Regular Web App? Any screenshots of the errors or code snippets would also be helpful!