I recently added a custom domain and want to configure my angular application to use this custom domain for the login.
The custom domain page shows that the domain is ready to use. I updated my angular code to use the following:
domain: ‘custom-domain.auth0.com’,
clientId: ‘client-id-from auth0-application-settings’,
authorizationParams: {
redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
and I get “Connection for this site is not secure - uses an unsupported protocol” when I click on login on my application.
Also, when I test the domain on the custom domain page on Auth0 I get the following error:
“Error! Looks like your domain is not configured correctly. Please take into account that the configuration process might take up to 10 minutes to complete due to DNS propagation.”
Am I doing anything wrong? Or did I miss any step?
Could you please help me with this?