Configure Web Proxy for Case Auth0 express-openid-connect ver 2.11.0 library


This article explains how to configure the express-openid-connect library to use a web proxy.

Applies To

  • express-openid-connect Library
  • Web Proxy


The express-openid-connect SDK supports configuring a custom Agent as of version 2.14 using the httpAgent parameter.

Combined with the proxy-agent library it is possible to set a custom web proxy.

Here is an example:

import { ProxyAgent } from 'proxy-agent';
const { auth } = require('express-openid-connect');

// The correct proxy `Agent` implementation to use will be determined
// via the `http_proxy` / `https_proxy` / `no_proxy` / etc. env vars
const agent = new ProxyAgent();

    issuerBaseURL: 'https://YOUR_DOMAIN',
    clientID: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
    secret: 'LONG_RANDOM_STRING',
    idpLogout: true,
    httpAgent: agent,