Configure Single Sign-on for Auth0 Dashboard


This article explains how to create an SSO integration between the Dashboard and an identity provider so that administrators can log in using their enterprise identity.


Please, review our Configure Single Sign-on for Auth0 Dashboard documentation and provide the following information in an Auth0 Support ticket:

  1. The identity provider and protocol that will be used.
  2. The email domain or domains that will be associated with this integration.
  3. The specific information required, based on the selected protocol and identity provider.

After providing the information, the SSO integration might take up to 5 business days to complete (it is usually done in less than 48 hours).

Initially, Home Realm Discovery (HRD) is disabled and the connection can be accessed via a special URL; so there will no changes to current administrators. Once some or most administrators migrate to the new login method, HRD can be requested to be enabled so that users will be taken to identity provider automatically after typing an email address with an associated domain, without having to use a special URL.

After completing these steps see Configure Single Sign-on for Auth0 Dashboard: Migrate Tenant Members for additional steps.