Conditions that Cause the 'mfa-detect-browser-capabilities' Screen to be Displayed


This article explains the conditions that cause the ‘mfa-detect-browser-capabilities’ screen to be displayed.

Screen: mfa-detect-browser-capabilities. See Customize Universal Login Text for more details:

Even though JavaScript is disabled in the browser, the following error is displayed on a white page instead of this prompt.


  1. Dashboard > Security > Multi-factor Auth
    • Factors: Enable One-time Password and Phone Message
    • Define policies: Always
  1. Chrome: Enable Don’t allow sites to use JavaScript
  2. Screen: login: Enter email and password, then select Continue
  3. The error message You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. shows up on a blank screen.

Applies To

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • JavaScript


The error message You need to enable JavaScript to run this app is caused by running a Single Page Application (SPA) that requires JavaScript to run in the beginning.


The “mfa-detect-browser-capabilities” screen can be displayed only when the following conditions are met.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Dashboard > Security > Multi-factor Auth >

    • Factors: Enable
      • WebAuthn with FIDO Device Biometrics
    • Define policies: Always
  2. Enroll WebAuthn with FIDO Device Biometrics as a user’s MFA Factor

  3. In Post Login Action, force MFA challenges.

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
   api.authentication.challengeWith({type: "webauthn-platform"});
  1. Chrome: Enable Don’t allow sites to use JavaScript
  2. Screen: login: Enter email and password, then select Continue
  3. “Screen: mfa-detect-browser-capabilities” is displayed.
    • This can be applied to the following factors as well.
      • WebAuthn with FIDO Security Keys

Note: Even if the policy is Always, this screen must still be forced with an Action.