ChatGPT Tries to Add Auth0 Authentication to an Android App, Round Two!

We asked ChatGPT to write code to integrate Auth0 into an Android app after its initial release. The code didn’t work then. Will it work this time?
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by @joey.devilla :accordion:

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Certainly! Adding Auth0 authentication to an Android app is a common and important task for securing user access. In this “Round Two,” we’ll continue the process with more specific steps to integrate Auth0 authentication into your Android app with Chat GPT Community


  • An Auth0 account with a configured Application.
  • Android Studio or your preferred Android development environment set up.

Step 1: Set up Dependencies

  1. In your app-level build.gradle file, add the following dependencies for Auth0:

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  1. Sync your project to ensure the new dependencies are added.

Step 2: Configure Auth0

  1. In your Auth0 Dashboard, create a new application if you haven’t already. Note down the “Client ID” and “Domain.”
  2. In your Android app, create a Auth0 instance and configure it with your Auth0 domain and client ID. You can do this in your Application class or in an activity where authentication is needed.

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public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public static Auth0 auth0;

    public void onCreate() {

        auth0 = new Auth0(this);
        auth0.setOIDCConformant(true); // Enable OIDC Conformant mode if needed
        auth0.setClientInfo("YOUR_CLIENT_ID", "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN");
  1. Don’t forget to replace "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" and "YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN" with your actual Auth0 client ID and domain.

Step 3: Implement Authentication

  1. Create an activity where users can log in using Auth0. This activity should include UI elements for login, such as buttons and input fields.
  2. In your login activity, you can initiate the Auth0 authentication process when the user clicks the login button:

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public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private Auth0 auth0;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        auth0 = MyApplication.auth0; // Get the Auth0 instance from your Application class

        // Handle login button click
        Button loginButton = findViewById(;
        loginButton.setOnClickListener(view -> {
            // Initialize Auth0 authentication client
            AuthenticationAPIClient client = new AuthenticationAPIClient(auth0);

            // Perform authentication
            client.loginWithOAuth2(this, "YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME", new AuthenticationCallback<AuthenticationResponse>() {
                public void onSuccess(AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse) {
                    // Authentication succeeded, handle the response
                    String accessToken = authenticationResponse.getAccessToken();
                    // Store the access token securely or use it as needed

                public void onFailure(AuthenticationException e) {
                    // Authentication failed, handle the error
                    Log.e(TAG, "Authentication error: " + e.getMessage());

Replace "YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME" with the name of your Auth0 connection (e.g., “Username-Password-Authentication” for username/password login).

Step 4: Handle Logout (Optional)

You can also provide a way for users to log out. This typically involves clearing the user’s session and possibly their stored access tokens.

Step 5: Secure API Calls (Optional)

If your app interacts with a backend API, you can use the obtained access token to secure your API calls. Pass the access token in the Authorization header when making requests to your API.

These steps should help you integrate Auth0 authentication into your Android app. Make sure to handle errors gracefully and provide a smooth user experience during the authentication process.