Please include the following information in your post:
- Which SDK this is regarding: e.g. auth0-laravel
- SDK Version: e.g. auth0/login
- Platform Version: e.g. Laravel 8
- Code Snippets/Error Messages/Supporting Details/Screenshots:
Can’t initialize a new session while there is one active session already
I got this error when I am trying to implement using laravel SDK.
//Callback method
public function callback()
// Get a handle of the Auth0 service (we don't know if it has an alias)
$service = \App::make('auth0');
// Try to get the user information
$profile = $service->getUser();
// Get the user related to the profile
$auth0User = $profile ? $this->userRepository->getUserByUserInfo($profile) : null;
if ($auth0User) {
// If we have a user, we are going to log them in, but if
// there is an onLogin defined we need to allow the Laravel developer
// to implement the user as they want an also let them store it.
if ($service->hasOnLogin()) {
$user = $service->callOnLogin($auth0User);
} else {
// If not, the user will be fine
$user = $auth0User;
\Auth::login($user, $service->rememberUser());
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($auth0User); die();
return \Redirect::intended('/');
//custom auth controller login method
public function login()
// echo "<pre>"; print_r(Auth::user()); die();
if (Auth::check()) {
return redirect()->intended('/');
return App::make('auth0')->login(
['scope' => 'openid profile email offline_access'],