So, the problem is very simple: I have all the information, but I don’t have an email. Why? I don’t understand and don’t have any idea…
I setup all the settings, and no problem with getting information and authorization, but I email doesn’t appear.
Here is example of response:
"sub": "google-oauth2|5179471928371239766",
"given_name": "Some name",
"family_name": "Some Family name",
"nickname": "some_nickname",
"name": "Some real name",
"picture": "",
"locale": "ru",
"updated_at": "2018-09-20T15:37:50.415Z"
So no email.
Can you advise me something?
Here is my config for hwi_oauth
which suggest auth0 in symfony tutorial:
firewall_names: [main]
type: oauth2
class: 'App\Security\Auth0\ResourceOwner\Auth0ResourceOwner'
client_id: CLIENT_ID
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET
redirect_uri: http://YOUR_SITE/oauth/callback
scope: "openid profile"
Also I have add that JWT token doesn’t have email too. I just parsed the raw token and no info from it.