Cannot find module 'request@2.56.0' while using Account Link Extension


We have two applications configured in our Auth0 tenant:
App1 which uses Okta (SAML) as the IdP.
App2 which as IdP also uses Okta (but OIDC).

We can log into both applications using both Okta and Auth0.

We now wanted to implement Account Link to link Okta SAML and Okta OIDC accounts together inside Auth0.

The problem is, when we add Account Link Extension to our tenant Auth0 attempts to log into the application end with an error: Cannot find module ‘request@2.56.0’

Is there anyone here who has encountered such a problem?

Hey there @mikeymike !

Is your tenant runtime set to use Node 18 by chance (tenant settings → advanced → runtime)? I don’t think this extension supports Node 18 yet so setting the runtime to 16 should resolve this.

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