Cannot create users: Using Auth0 Laravel SDK

I’m trying to create a new user with Auth0 Laravel SDK, and I’m in a trouble now.

use Auth0\Laravel\Facade\Auth0;

$management = app('auth0')->management();
 $users = $management->users();
     connection: 'Username-Password-Authentication',
     body: [
         'email' => '',
         'password' => 'string',

No users are created with above code.
The status code is 200.

In my “Machine to Machine” Application’s setting, Management API is authorized.
And “create:users” permission is allowed.

I’ve added several variables to .env.

AUTH0_DOMAIN = Domain of Machine to Machine
AUTH0_CLIENT_ID = Clinet ID of Machine to Machine
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET = Clinet Secret of Machine to Machine
AUTH0_AUDIENCE = Identifier of Management API

Incidentally, I can update existed user with following code.

$management = app('auth0')->management();
$users = $management->users();
     id: auth()->id(),
     body: [
        'name' => $request->name,

I’m new to Auth0, so I apologize in advance if there are any elementary mistakes or lack of knowledge.

I would be grateful if someone could kindly help me.
If more informations are needed, please let me know.

I noticed a “Password is too weak” error in the Monitoring > Logs section.
By making the password more complex, a new user has been created.