Can´t redirect to reset-password

I need to redirect a user to the forgot-password view if it has not changed its password in the last three months. I tried to do this using the template that checks last password reset

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
    // ensure the secret is valid
    if (!event.secrets.MAX_PASSWORD_DAYS) {
        return api.access.deny('Invalid configuration');

    // function to calculate the difference (in days) between two dates
    const daydiff = (first, second) => (second - first) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

    // capture the teimstamp of the last password change or account creation
    const lastPasswordChange =
        event.user.last_password_reset || event.user.created_at;

    // ensure password rotation is configured correctly
    let maxDays;
    try {
        maxDays = Number(event.secrets.MAX_PASSWORD_DAYS);
    } catch {
        return api.access.deny('Invalid configuration');
    if (!maxDays) {
        return api.access.deny('Invalid configuration');

    // if the password is beyond the configured threshold, reject access with a message to change it
    if (daydiff(new Date(lastPasswordChange), new Date()) > maxDays) {
        return api.redirect.sendUserTo("url")
        //return api.access.deny('please change your password');

I just changed the api deny for the redirect, but when the user is redirected I get an error even though is the same url the user gets if it clicks in the forgot password button in the login. Is there any way to achieve this?

Another question, in case this is not possible, can I show some message to the user in case the access is denied?

Hi @jose.companioni

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately you can’t redirect directly to the forgot password button, so in that terms I would encourage you to open up a new Product Feedback thread explaining your use case.

For the 2nd part, I recommend checking the Forms feature and using it as a dialogue with your users; you will conditionally open up a form with information for the user that they need to reset their password. Alternatively, you can use the prebuilt action. You can read more about that here → Force a Password Reset after a Specific Number of Days


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