I’m writing an application using angular5/nodejs and I’m trying to implement a function on the node side to update a user’s metadata. I only want to allow the user that is logged in to update their own metadata.
Currently I’m authentication the user on the angular side and then sending their id_token in the header to my node service. Below is a snip from the node side. This works and will only provide a response if a user is logged in which is great:
From my server.js:
var jwtCheck = jwt({
secret: jwks.expressJwtSecret({
cache: true,
rateLimit: true,
jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
jwksUri: "https://{mine}.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json"
//This broke when I was using 'audience'
aud: 'authlet-id',
issuer: "https://{mine}.auth0.com/",
algorithms: 'RS256']
// Private route
app.get('/api/private', jwtCheck, (req,res)=>{
let deals =
"private1", "private2","private3"
From my api service on the angular side:
getPrivate() {
return this.http
.get(this.privateApiUrl, {
headers: new HttpHeaders().set('Authorization', `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem('id_token')}`)
My question is… can I trust the user id that is in in req.user.sub which looks something like ‘auth0|5a3d65RANDOMSTUFF5276’ ? I’ve seen mixed thoughts on using id_token for authorization specifically here which says :
- An id_token cannot be used for API access.
- An access_token cannot be used for authentication.
But i want to authorize the user that is logged in, to then call the management API. It seems like both id_token and access_token can be passed in my header and validated successfully with my jwtCheck but I’m not sure the difference or which is ‘better’. If access_token should be used in this situation, what would I ever use id_token for?
I’m worried that maybe the jwtCheck is just validating the token but maybe the request could be passing an altered user id (malicious obviously). Is this possible or does it check the validity of this data as well? Thanks!