My Auth0 App utilizes a paywall to make first time users that login to be sent to a stripe paywall
I set up a customer id for them and redirect them to a checkout page that when a button is clicked, it redirects them to a stripe paywall - > all using an auth0 action
but when trying to call the /continue route to continue the authentication, I get redirected to a generic error page
I send along a redirect state to the checkout page that is used in the /continue parameters and save it under session token (I have also saved it under state and it makes no difference)
the checkout page makes a stripe paywall that redirects to a success URL of localhost:3000/continue… with the state/session token
I have confirmed that I am sending back the same exact session_token or state too that I put as the original state
but I get redirected to the error page like I said before and the auth doesn’t continue
I simply want to make this run for first time users logging in and just log the users in after they have paid
the app works fine without the paywall action
the auth0 continue action doesn’t even get called and at least log an error in the local app server
no logs even in the auth0 log
here’s the code:
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
try {
// Your existing logic for creating a Stripe customer
const sessionToken = api.redirect.encodeToken({
secret: event.secrets.REDIRECT_STATE,
payload: {
customerId: event.user.app_metadata.stripe_customer_id,
// Redirect the user to the Stripe checkout page with session_token query parameter
api.redirect.sendUserTo('http://localhost:3000/checkout', {
session_token: sessionToken,
redirect_uri: `http://localhost:3000/continue`,
} catch (error) {
"We could not create your account, problem with stripe redirection.\n" +
"Please contact support for assistance."
exports.onContinuePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
try {
//api.redirect.sendUserTo('http://localhost:3000'); // Replace with your desired page URL
// Access the session_token query parameter from the URL
const stateToken = event.query.session_token;
console.log('continuing flow')
// Validate the token using the provided options
let decodedToken = api.redirect.validateToken({
secret: event.secrets.REDIRECT_STATE,
tokenParameterName: 'session_token', // Ensure this matches the parameter name
// Check if the payload is valid
if (decodedToken) {
// Log the payload for debugging
console.log('Valid payload:', decodedToken);
// Log in the user using Auth0 action
await api.auth.loginWithCredentials({
// Redirect the user to the desired page after successful login
} else {
console.error('Invalid session token');
"We could not log you in due to an invalid session token.\n" +
"Please contact support for assistance."
} catch (error) {
"We could not log you in, problem with coming back to app from Stripe.\n" +
"Please contact support for assistance."
import React from 'react';
import { useAuth0 } from '@auth0/auth0-react';
import Stripe from 'stripe';
import queryString from 'query-string';
import jwt, { JwtPayload } from 'jsonwebtoken'; // Import the JWT library
const stripe = new Stripe('rk_test_51NOmOvHwLkK28gsPFWpd2flfcAWf9f2yvMTpB7D3m2s0rAFc21CIEPwtRS9Uz0NqfieZ5MY7xcAYgCuNCIzbzrYE004d5XPiyV', {
apiVersion: '2022-11-15',
const Checkout = () => {
const { user } = useAuth0();
//const [customerId, setCustomerId] = useState(null);
//const customerId = user?.app_metadata?.stripe_customer_id;
const priceId = '***********************' //blurred out
const successUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/authorize'
const cancelUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/about'
async function createCheckoutSession() {
// Parse the URL to get state and redirect_uri
const parsedUrl = queryString.parse(;
const sessionToken = parsedUrl.session_token;
const customerId = parsedUrl.customerId;
const redirectUri = parsedUrl.redirect_uri;
// Check if the state and redirectUri exist
if (sessionToken && redirectUri) {
// Create the checkout session with state in the success_url
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
customer: user?.app_metadata?.stripe_customer_id,
payment_method_types: ['card'],
line_items: [{ price: priceId, quantity: 1 }],
mode: 'subscription',
success_url: `${redirectUri}?session_token=${sessionToken}`,
cancel_url: cancelUrl,
if (session.url) {
window.location.href = session.url; // Redirect to Stripe checkout page
return (
{/* Render your component's content */}
<button onClick={createCheckoutSession}>Checkout for our ECOmium Plan!</button>
export default Checkout;