@holly I’m building a Laravel-driven SaaS website, and I’m seriously considering subscribing to the paid “DEVELOPER” Auth0 plan. As a matter of fact, I’ll do it in a heartbeat, if what I need is achievable
Long story short, my SaaS website would provide 3 membership levels: Free / Premium / Premium Plus. I’ve already created three different roles under my Auth0 dahsboard ready for the users to get assigned to them, based on their chosen plan. Each plan will require users to input a rather wide array of personal info (first/last name, gender, date of birth, avatar image, street, zipcode, city, country, phone no. ) during the actual registering process. On top of that, the desired membership level must be also chosen by the user.
Would it be, therefore, possible that, when the user finishes filling up all the required info, and clicks the “Submit/Create Account” button, all the above mentioned info to be sent to Auth0, and the user account gets programatically created, along with all the personal details I was referring to?
And another question: what do you think is better, should I rely solely on the Auth0’s database to store the members’ account information, or should I also save the users’ info in the application’s database?
One final question: if I sign up for the “DEVELOPER” Auth0 annual plan, with the default 1,000 External Active Users, is it difficult to upgrade without any interruption in service, should my application require additional users?
I would highly appreciate your expert input on this. Thank you so much!