Bad Audience Error

Problem statement

A custom API has been created in the Auth0 dashboard:

  • the endpoint is in the Auth0 Management API
  • the audience is the new custom audience

While updating the user_metadata, a “Bad Audience ” error is encountered. Accessing the Management API endpoint returns a 401 Unauthorized error.


Accessing Management API endpoint returns a 401 Unauthorized.


Capture this flow in a HAR file and analyze the result. For guidance on how to create a HAR file, refer to the following doc:


The endpoint that was attempted in the HAR file is an Auth0 Management V2 endpoint and requires a token audience to be set to the Auth0 Management API endpoint and for the scope “update:current_user_metadata” to be set.

The scopes required for the different endpoints can be found in the Management API v2 documentation. For further information check related references below.

Related References