Axois get call post login

How would I write an axios call to a get endpoint in the post-login actions? I tried this but it was giving me a 404 (I’m able to plug in the same headers and url in postman and get data back)

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const axios = require('axios');
  const namespace = '****';

  const url = 'https://*******/user-info';
  const options = {
    headers: {
      'Authorization': '****',
      'Inst2Person' : '****'      
  var response = await axios.get(url, options);
  if (event.authorization) {

Hi @jared.modugno,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

After looking carefully at the code snippet you shared, it looks like you are calling an endpoint that does not exist. (Reference: Authentication API Explorer)

The correct endpoint should be /userinfo without a hyphen.

Could you please make these changes and let me know how it goes?


Apologies, the endpoint i’m trying to hit is an api that I’ve created that ends in user-info. It’s an endpoint that hosted (it doesn’t use my localhost).
Does the rest of the axios call look correct?

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It was a proxy issue with the api on my side, thank you for your response!

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Hi @jared.modugno,

I’m glad you got it working now!

Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help.


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